Roof Ridge

Stock Code : CM-COİL7

Roof Ridge
Color Code: 3009/9002/7016/5015/
Thickness Reference: 0.50-0.60-0.70-0.80-0.90-0.90-1.00 mm
Form Dimension: 27/200/ 38/151 
M2/KG: Closes 1 M2
Unit of Measurement Qty/ Mt
9,85 USD + VAT
Mahya Alternatives
There are some methods and products that can be used as alternatives to ridge tiles, but it is important to compare these alternatives to understand why ridge tiles should be preferred in roof systems.
Tile Overhangs: In some roof systems, instead of a ridge, roof tiles can be interlocked to form an overhang. This method may not be sufficient in terms of water tightness and aesthetics.
Metal or PVC Strips: Metal or PVC strips that can be used instead of ridge can be used to cover the joints of the roofs. However, these materials may not give the desired results, especially in terms of aesthetics, and may create durability problems in the long term.
Waterproofing Membranes: Instead of ridge boards, waterproofing membranes can be used at the joints of the roof. Although these membranes provide waterproofing, they do not offer the aesthetic and structural integrity of the ridge.
Why should ridge boards be used?
Aesthetic Appearance: The ridge provides a smooth transition at the top points of the roof and offers an aesthetic appearance. Alternative materials may be insufficient to offer this aesthetic contribution.
High Waterproofing: The ridge provides water tightness by closing the joints of the roof. Especially the ridge, which is the most water-exposed part of the roof, helps to remove water from the roof. Alternative methods may not provide this level of protection.
Durability and Longevity: Ridge products are designed to be resistant to harsh weather conditions. Bottom